The policy of the journal in relation to citation and self-citations

Currently, the problem of the attitude of the scientific journal to the observance of ethical standards of publication comes to the fore. Therefore, it is necessary to clearly formulate the main definitions for the authors.

All manuscripts submitted to the journal are checked by the anti-Plagiarism system. If the value of the originality index is below 75%, further consideration of the manuscript requires expert evaluation.

1. Citation

Verbatim quoting of other people's works-should be issued in quotes indicating the source. If the established fact is described in his own words, then at the end a reference to the source is given.

Rewrite (paraphrase, retelling) its purpose is to eliminate the formal coincidence of the" old "and" new " texts (thoughts and their sequence are preserved), which creates the illusion that the text is new and is published for the first time. Is an unfair practice.

Self-writing is unfair quoting.

2. Self-citation

Bona fide self-citation – repeated use by the author of his own texts from earlier works, to the extent justified by the purpose of citing, and with a reference to the source, issued in accordance with the established rules of citing.

Conscientious self-citation in an incorrect form – repeated use by the author of his own texts from earlier works, to the extent justified by the purpose of citing, but with a reference to the source, issued in violation of the established rules of citing.

Unfair self-citation (self-plagiarism) - repeated use by the author of his own texts from earlier works, without reference to the source or to the extent unjustified by the purpose of citing.

Unscrupulous self-citation creates the illusion of increment of scientific knowledge and publication activity, misleads the employer, the editor, the grantee and the scientific community as a whole.

Making self-citation – only with quotes. Reference to the source is required.

3. Duplicate publication

Duplication of scientific information contributes to an increase in the volume of the text, which makes it difficult for other researchers to find the necessary data. "Expansion of the audience" and "popularization" are possible only in the popular science form with a change in the style of presentation.

The publication is a duplicate if the findings in two different articles the same.

The duplicate publication should have a strong motivation, for example, the expansion of the readership, but in such an article there should be a link to the first publication with the indication of the DOI, otherwise it can be recognized as unqualified and retracted.

The term duplicate publication does not apply to informational program documents: clinical recommendations, memoranda, expert advice, agreed opinions of a group of scientists.

Republication of the article in another language is possible only with the permission of the journal that posted the original text, links, doi. Such a publication is not considered a separate publication – it is a single publication.

Attitude of the Editorial Board of the scientific journal:

  1. The permissible volume of non-original text when quoting and self-citing is set by the editorial Board (with the authorship of any of the co-authors not more than 10%).
  2. In a scientific article there can be self-citation only from theses and report. With references-from the dissertation (not more than 1 year after the defense) and other scientific articles (in the amount established by the publication for self-citation) or scientific report (with permission to use), it is forbidden to quote from the monograph.
  3. Abstracts and reports should be included in collections (or additional issues of the scientific journal), which are legitimate publications (have an ISBN or doi, and / or placement in the Scientific Electronic Library).
  4. Self-citation of the text of the thesis can be only in the volume of one Chapter, not previously published in the form of a scientific article.
  5. A duplicate publication or translation is not interesting for a scientific journal because it provides a link to the original publication.